EpiphanyBlighted Dice"Reroll a part of you"Active item (6 rooms recharge time)
Consumes the selected passive item and spawns 2 item pedestals of which only one can be taken.

Selection is performed by using the fire keys and hitting the active item button to confirm. No other inputs may be used while in selection mode, and selection cannot be canceled.

Spawned pedestals have a rotten skin appearance and will disappear upon leaving the room. Items acquired from these pedestals do not grant any of their on-pickup effects such as dropping pickups, and do not contribute towards transformations.

The new items are selected from the same item pool as the item that was consumed.

The quality of the new items is the same as the consumed item, but has a chance of being increased or decreased by 1 which is indicated by a number next to the items.

Converts into Broken Dice upon use and shares the same charge bar as that item.

Cannot remove items with the quest tag.

Golden variant Offers 3 item choices.

When used by Tarnished Isaac Instead of a selection menu, the currently selected passive item in Tarnished Isaac's inventory is consumed.

Unlock: Earn all completion marks as Tarnished Isaac.

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ANNOUNCEMENT The website has been updated with the changes introduced in patch v1.9.7.9 --- check out this video to see what's new! [dismiss]
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